Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day Five

As we head towards the end of the first full week of January 2012 the holidays seem a distant memory.  I traveled back from Boston today and the airports were remarkably quieter than the trip to Boston pre-holiday.  Everyone seems to be settling back into their normal routines.  Unfortunately for many of us that includes running on a less than optimal amount of sleep.  

Sleep is intrinsically linked to not only your mental performance but also your athletic performance.  Sure we know sleep is necessary for our general health but don't forget it can actually be a performance enhancer.  Catalyst Athletics and Whole9 discuss the performance enhancing qualities of sleep here.

Your sleep can be impacted by many factors including diet, exercise, age, and past sleep patterns.  Then once you fall asleep many different tasks are accomplished by your resting body.  This informative article does a good job explaining what happens when we sleep and the various sleep cycles.  The National Sleep Foundation took time to discuss the relationship between diet, exercise & sleep.  I understand sleep comes easier to some than others.  Here are some helpful tips on getting to sleep and sleeping well.  

Keep logging those points! About a 1/3 of you are doing a great job doing it regularly.  For those of you that have forgot, its not too late! Do it now while you are thinking about it.  :)


  1. 6 points - NO WOD -REST DAY -

  2. 5 points (4 food, 1 fish oil). Cooked my first Paleo approved zucchini cakes tonight. Need to get used to new ingredients, such as coconut oil and almond flour. They came out a bit too wet and salty, but still pretty darn tasty!

  3. 7 points today :-)

  4. = 6 points
    + 4 food
    + 1 fish oil
    + 1 8 hours of sleep

  5. Tried the coconut milk from the Ranch 99 market that Jojo recommended - it is awesome :) nothing in it but coconut milk. Nom nom nom.
    3 points for food
    3 bonus for sleep, fish oil, CF WOD

  6. 6 points today. Interested in reading those linked articles in the morning.

  7. 6 pts
    3 Food
    1 wod
    1 sleep
    1 fishoil

  8. Alex: 6 pts (4 food; 1 sleep; 1 fish oil)
    => Came to class but hurt myself and didn't do the WOD..... Need to recover a bit now and hopefully will be back on it Monday.

    Becky: 7pts (4 food; 1 WOD; 1 sleep; 1 fish oil)

    We finally got some fish oil!

  9. 7 points, though the BBQ ribs and chicken at my cafe smelled very good -- might have been worth giving up the point but I stuck with the plan (this time).

  10. 1/5: 6 points!
    +3 food (-1 Progenex)
    +1 WOD
    +1 fish oil
    +1 sleep

  11. = 5 pts
    + 3 Food
    + 0 CFSC
    + 1 Fish oil
    + 1 8 hours of sleep

  12. 7 points
    4 food + 1 fish oil + 1 sleep + 1 wod sc

  13. here are JBarbers - 5,5,6,6,5. Dana, you have access to my food log, no? I need to improve my sleep, but i can't get more than 7 hours - i try, but during the week i wake up ready to go! on the weekend, i can go back to sleep for a few hours- but i end up being less "rested".

  14. 1/5: 5 Points
    1/4: 6 points
    1/3: 6 points
    1/2: 6 points
    1/1: 4 points

  15. 7 = (4= food, 1 each fish oil, sleep and WOD)

  16. 6 pts (no CF today) 1/6/12

  17. not a good day - spent the entire day on the phone & laptop, missed class AND my MMA training and didn't eat too well. Resisted the chocolate cake a friend brought over though :)

    2 points for food
    2 bonus for sleep, fish oil

  18. 5 points
