Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day Seven

As we head into week 2 I hope you are excited and raring to go. You guys are doing great.  Use the momentum from a solid week 1 to flow into a great week.  

I am willing to bet you guys prepped some tasty food for the week.  We shared some pretty darn good food this weekend at the Mountain View potluck.  Thought it would be a great idea to share a recipe here on the comments.  I'll start. 

Tender Roast Beef


1 (2 - 4 lb) Grassfed Eye of Round Roast (or sirloin tip roast)
2 - 3 tablespoons pastured butter


  • Marinade the roast by rubbing 2 - 3 tablespoons of Unfiltered, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil all over the surface of the roast and then let it sit on the counter at room temperature for 2 hours (alternatively you can refrigerate the roast for 24 hours but allow the roast to come to room temperature before cooking).
  • Preheat the oven to 475 degrees F. 
  • Season the roast with kosher sea salt and lots of fresh ground black pepper.
  • Melt 2 - 3 tablespoons of butter in a cast iron pan over medium high heat until the butter begins to bubble and slightly smoke.  We like to use an enameled cast iron dutch oven as it sears great on the stove top and then roasts nicely in the oven.Turn the heat down to medium and carefully brown the roast on all sides.  
  • Take the roast off the heat, put it into the oven and reduce oven temperature to 425 degrees F.  Do not cover or add water.
  • Roast in the oven for 4 - 5 minutes per pound depending on the size of the roast.  If it's a 2 lb roast, 4 minutes per lb.  If it's a larger 4 lb roast, 5 minutes per lb.  (example, 2 lbs = 8 minutes roasting at 425).  Then turn off the oven and let the roast sit in the hot oven for 2 hours. Do not open the door at all during this time!
  • Remove the roast from the oven and check it with a meat thermometer.  The internal temperature should have reached at least 135 degrees F
  • Carve into thin slices and serve.
This high heat followed by low heat cooking process mimics ancient, traditional cooking techniques where beef was roasted on a spit over an open fire.  As the fire is allowed to slowly burn down, the meat goes from cooking at a high heat to a very low heat.  We've learned through reading and experimentation that many traditional cooking techniques are really the best way to cook pasture raised meats.  After all, these cooking methods were developed back when all meat was pasture raised.

Add some stir fried vegetables and you have yourself a meal.  Enjoy!


  1. Back on track today!

    7 points!

    food =4
    class at 11am =1
    8 hrs of sleep =1
    fish oil =1

  2. sorry no recipe tonight! So-so day - missed my run but rode my horse, ate pretty well but was wide awake 2 hours early.

    3 points for food
    1 bonus for fish oil

  3. Alex: 6 pts (4 food; 1 sleep; 1 fish oil)

    Becky: 6 pts (4 food; 1 sleep; 1 fish oil)

  4. 5pts - Lost out because I ate the burger king bacon burger and diet coke. NO WOD day. mush.

  5. 1/8/12 6 pts (no CF today)

  6. I'm going to give myself 7 points for yesterday. It was my rest day, but I spent 2.5 hours helping out at the new MTV gym and I think I moved enough weight around during that time (in true functional movement work) to at least treat it as an active rest day when combined with my short bike ride to and from the gym. Dana, if you want me to switch to 6 points, happy to do so. Everyone should go check-out the new MTV location. Looks great and will be every better with the new pull-up structure once that is in!

  7. 4 pts (forgot my fish oil....doooooo)

  8. Looks delish. 5 points for Sunday (4 food, 1 fish oil)

    I posted a couple links to recipes to the Google group. Here's another that I saw earlier today from Everyday Paleo:

  9. 6 points today, finally managed to get my first 8hrs of sleep in.
    4 food
    1 fish oil
    1 8hrs sleep

  10. 1/9/12 - 5 pts (3 food, FO/sleep)

  11. 5 points - (3= food. 1= fish oil, 1=sleep)
