Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day Twenty-Four

In the last few weeks Mark's Daily Apple has been taking a close look at inflammation. It started this latest series of articles by answering the question, What is Inflammation?, and explained the difference between acute and chronic inflammation, and what causes both types.
A series on inflammation would be nothing without a frank talk about inflammation and heart disease, so MDA covered that, too, last week.
It seems to always come back to food, doesn't it? Rightly so. To wrap up this series MDA presents you with My Top 6 Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Check it out and post your points to comments.  


  1. 5 points! (3 for food, 1 for fish oil, 1 for sleep)

  2. Thanks for all the great info on these blog postings, Dana! Great stuff :-)

    Tue 1/24: 6 points (no wod)
    Wed 1/25: 6 points (some fries)

  3. Alex: 7 pts (4 food; 1 WOD; 1 sleep; 1 fish oil)

    Becky: 7 pts (4 food; 1 WOD; 1 sleep; 1 fish oil)

  4. Day 24: 6 points (4 food, 1 fish oil, 1 sleep)

  5. 5 points (3 food + 1 fish oil + 1 sleep)

  6. wed 1/25: 6 points (had some fries w/dinner)
