Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day Twenty-Five

We are coming up on the home stretch.  CBS San Francisco recently did a 5 part series on the Paleo Diet. It is pretty interesting, take a look and let me know what you think.


  1. 6 points for yesterday (1/26) -- didn't quite get in 8 hours of sleep. Looking forward to reading the article this weekend and then will get back to you.

  2. Alex: 7 pts (4 food; 1 WOD; 1 sleep; 1 fish oil)

    Becky: 6 pts (4 food; 0 WOD; 1 sleep; 1 fish oil) => Had to go to work early!

  3. Day 25: 6 points (4 food, 1 fish oil, 1 sleep)

  4. Yeah, pretty interesting series and it featured Robb Wolf, Loren Cordain, Mark Sisson, and Chris LaLanne.

    The host had a good drop in blood pressure being on Paleo and I had a medical exam yesterday. Blood pressure was either 94/56 or 96/54 but in October 2010, it was 123/68.

    I'm pretty sure my drop is due to crossfitting since November 2011 and the Paleo diet.

  5. Thurs 1/26: 5 points (no wod, tempura side dish w/lunch)
