Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Upcoming Nutrition Seminar

We would like to offer another Nutrition Seminar and want your feed back on what you would like to see covered.

Nutrition Topics: 

Please take a moment and consider what you have a burning desire to understand and chat about.  Here are some potential topics but feel free to create your own.

  • The Basics of Nutrition: once the food makes its way into your mouth, what happens next?
  • Food Allergies: how to know if you have one, and what to do about it?
  • Weight Loss: what to do to lose fat (and not muscle)
  • Gaining Mass: how to gain muscle and not fat
  • Eating Clean on Budget: how to eat clean without breaking the bank
Feel free to add your suggestions to the comments section.  

Seminar Date: 

We will be offering the seminar on a Saturday in either November or December.  Please vote for your date of choice in the comments section. The options are: 
  • November 16th
  • November 23rd
  • December 7th
Thanks for your input! We will get the details hashed out by next week's post! 


  1. November 23rd or Dec 7th..

  2. Gaining Mass and Eating Clean on a budget

  3. Nov 16th and Gaining Mass

  4. 11/16, Weight Loss & Eating Clean on a Budget. Thanks!

  5. Nov 16. Gaining mass and eating clean on a budget

  6. One thing I had to learn through trial and error was a practical way to plan out and prepare meals for an extended period of time. For me, the most challenging times are when I have to make a decision about what I want to eat in the moment, while I'm hungry and nothing is prepared. It's made a tremendous difference to prepare foods ahead of time and plan out a menu for the day/week/month et cetera. I know it seems simple, but it's been the key difference between success and failure in my case. So, I guess the topic would be something like Practical Strategies for Maintaining a Healthy Diet

  7. 11/23 or 12/7 - Gaining muscle mass, losing fat, and I really like the above comment regarding Practical Strategies for Maintaining a Healthy Diet.

  8. Hi there Anonymous! My name is Monica and I was wondering if you would be enthusiastic to answer a quick question I have concerning your blog! My website click here

  9. Maybe it would be helpful to just focus on one or two of these topics and go in depth, rather than briefly talking about each one?!? Nutrition is such a broad topic that it can be tricky to figure out what to discuss. Maybe taking a survey of our current NorCal members, asking them questions about where they struggle with nutrition, pull themes, and develop a workshop series where you would focus on one of these topics each month. I really enjoyed your last seminar and left wanting more information :)
